Jean  Graham's  Short Stories 

and Fan Fiction Archive


My Professional Appearances

Many of these are now available via my Amazon Author Page:

Radio Story Hour dramatized my story "Night is the Forbidden." Hear it here.

And hear my episodes (18,19,24,31,32,37,38) of the gothic soap opera Secrets of Harridge House here.

NITF.jpg       SOHH.jpg

Automobilia has now seen print with my humor piece, "The Beetle Imp," about a possessed VW Beetle.


Our Shadowed Past II, a limited edition volume remembering Dark Shadows fandom, will include my essay and photos.
For info., email Bob Issel: bobubas59[at]gmail[dot]com.


Space Opera Libretti features my Star Trek parody, "Escape from the Pair O' Dice Sin Dome."
And Forever Avon reprinted my Blake's 7 tale, "Life Sentence." It appears to now be out of print, though.

SpaceOperaLibretti.png                    ForeverAvonCover2.jpg

Mythic 16 has my short story "Killing Ground.
Worth 1000 Words contains my flash story "Beautiful People."
SpacImps & Minions reprises a revised version of my story "No Such Thing."

mythic16cover.jpg      Worth1000Cover.jpg     ImpsMinions.jpg

The flash fiction anthology Itty Bitty Writing Space includes my short-short piece "Sol."
"Night is the Forbidden" is reprinted in the anthology Alternative Apocalypse from B-Cubed Press.
Mythic 10 features my fantasy tale "The Sorcerer's Accomplice."

"The Gargoyle's Wife" is in Weirdbook 41.
Blake's Legacy: 40 Years of Rebellion includes my essay on my 32 years of Blake's 7 fandom.                

"Cats Are Patient" is in the Post-to-Print Publishing antho From a Cat's View.
"In The River" appears in California Screamin', an anthology from Horror Writers
of America San Diego.                  

"Traitor's Bane" is in the Fall 2017 issue of Mythic Magazine, Mythic 4.

A reprint of "Shining Brook & the Ice Moon Spirit" is in the anthology Killing It Softly 2.
"Glass" is part of the anthology Strange Beasties from 3rd Flatiron Press. It also made it into Best of Strange Beasties.

A reprint of "Tomorrow We Be Free," my Civil War fantasy story, is in Memento Mori, an anthology from Digital Fiction.
"Souls of Lit," a very literary ghost story, is in the first issue of Mythic Magazine.   
                                Issue 1.jpg

"No Such Thing" was published in Misunderstood, an anthology from Wolfsinger Publications,
"Turning Worms" is in Dying to Live, an e-book and paperback anthology from Diabolic Publications.

"Nightcrawlers" appears in the Cold Fusion Media anthology Arcane II.  

Short horror story "Walking Tour"  is in THE TIME OF THE VAMPIRES, 
Ed. M. H. Greenberg & P.N. Elrod, DAW Books, 1996, reprinted with new cover art in 2004.    

Fantastical Visions, an anthology from Fantasist Enterprises, contains my fantasy story "Wraithsong." 
Fantastical Visions II has my essay "Perchance to Dream" as its preface.


Now Out of Print
"Chain Letter Inc." appeared in the anthology Under the Rose, from Norilana Books.
Copies occasionally turn up on eBay.

My werewolf story,"Shining Brook and the Ice Moon Spirit" was the cover story
in the 2nd issue of the magazine Renard's Menagerie (now out of print). It was reprinted in Killing It Softly 2.
Dark fantasy story "Association of the Dead" appeared in the premiere issue of
Coyote Wild Magazine. It is, sadly, no longer on line.
My short sf/fantasy story "Night is the Forbidden" appeared on
Also, sorry to say, no longer on line.
My Civil War-era fantasy story, "Tomorrow We Be Free" appeared in the now-defunct 
 e-zine A reprint of it appears in the anthology Memento Mori.

The following have recently been accepted for publication:

Radio Story Hour  will be producing several short dramas that I've scripted,
including three Lovecraft adaptations: "Cool Air," "Ex Oblivione," and "The Music of Erich Zann."

Stories Recently Posted.

Much of my fan fiction is now being posted at An Archive of Our Own:

Comments, critiques, brickbats, vampire bats, etc. may be directed to Jean at: 
Jeanb7 [at] aol [dot] com 

Enter the Archives 
Just click on your fandom of choice!

Battlestar: Galactica 
Blake's 7  
Dark Shadows  
Dr. Who 
Forever Knight  
The Fugitive  
Hawaii Five-O


What was that show about? 
Never heard of BLAKE'S 7?  Was THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. wayyyy before your time?  Don't be left out.  Click the links on the right for overviews of these classic series. (We're going to assume that no one out there really needs a description of STAR TREK or STAR WARS. You don't, do you?) 
Blake's 7 
Dark Shadows 
Dr. Who 
Forever Knight 
The Fugitive
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. 
The Prisoner

Our award-winning BLAKES 7 zine can now be purchased at:

Ya wanna see our 'baby' pictures? 
Click the nice kitty on the left! 
Here are some other sites you might enjoy: 

Ellen Druda's Page -- David McCallum & more.  
The Official McCallum Observer -- Info. on David McCallum's career.  

BLAKE'S 7:  
Judith Proctor's Blake's 7 Page -- Fanzines, fiction, photos, games & con info.  

Nancy Taylor's Forever Knightie Page  
Amy's FK Fiction  -- One of the fandom's very best writers. 

Anne Hutchins' Home Page -- Original fiction and links to some great resources!  
Holli's Page -- A little bit of everything!  


All fiction archived here-in is © Jean Graham. However, said copyright covers original material only and is not intended to infringe on any previously held copyrights. Many characters utilized in these stories are the  © property of others: they are used here without permission for non-profit/entertainment purposes only. --JG