Battlestar: Galactica

Science Fiction       Aired 1978-80

Primary Characters
Captain Apollo -- A fighter pilot and the son of Commander Adama.
Lieutenant Starbuck -- A brash young fighter pilot with an eye for the ladies.
Commander Adama -- Head of the "lost" ragtag fleet that seeks Earth while fleeing the Cylons.
Colonel Tigh -- Adama's second in command.
Cassandra -- Formerly a "socialator" and one of Starbuck's romantic interests.
Baltar -- An evil human who sold out to the Cylons.  Adama's prime nemesis.
Athena -- Apollo's sister, also a pilot and also one of Starbuck's romantic interests!
Boxey -- Apollo's young son.
The Cylons have pledged themselves to eradicating the human race.  When they attack Caprica, the only humans able to escape join the fleet led by Adama's ship, the Battlestar Galactica.  The ragtag fleet sets off to find the legendary planet Earth -- but they are constantly pursued by the Cylons and betrayed by Baltar, who has sold out to the alien race for the promise of power.  The Cylons fight their wars with nearly invincible robots (also called Cylons), huge silver androids with a single, red laser-eye that sweeps back and forth accompanied by a very intimidating noise!

For all its silliness and its obviously derivative-of-STAR-WARS premise, Battlestar: Galactica did have a certain charm, primarily in the character of Starbuck, whose wise-cracking, cigar-chewing brashness managed to capture more than a few female fans' hearts.  The series was briefly revived after its cancellation as Galactica 1980 -- the less said about which, in our humble opinion, the better.
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