Battlestar Galactica (1978-79)
So the Spaceship Can Generate an Oxygen-Gravity Bubble???

The Galactica is burning in "Fire in Space." While it's certainly not impossible for a spaceship to catch fire, flames would not burn bright red in the oxygenless vacuum of space. Nor could they be extinguished by smaller ships flying over the big ship and (ack!) dropping flame retardant on them. Hellooooo. There's no gravity in space, either!

The hilarious (well, it was to me) upshot of this glaring and downright embarrassing scientific blunder on the part of BG's writers and producers: when I recently submitted this mistake to a blooper website (not, I hasten to add,, but one which shall remain anonymous), several idiots on the site voted it down, insisting that fire and gravity in outer space were "possible within the technological/magical context of the series." Say what????? Well obviously, BG's writers weren't the only anencephalic morons out there to earn an F-minus in astrophysics. Sigh!