A Blake's 7 Trivia Game by Jean Graham
c 1988 by Jean Graham/Peacock Press. No infringement intended on any previously held copyrights.
Rules & Stuff
Well, there aren't really any rules, per se. This started out
as a cure for boredom at a very slow yard sale and sort of took off from
there. Freestyle trivia (best when played in convention hotel corridors
at 3 a.m.) may of course assign its own rules: we recommend 10 points per
question, and s/he with the most points when everyone else has dozed off
wins. Quotations in the game are not necessarily word-perfect (though
we did our best), but allowances should in any event be made for minor
discrepancies in the answers given by individual players. (In other words,
don't be too picky; this is for fun, remember?) The categories
are delineated below. Our thanks to Micky DuPree, who provided multiple
pages of corrections and verbatim quotations, not to mention setting straight
a number of errors committed in the B7 PROGRAMME GUIDE by the infamous
Tony Attwood. Hope you enjoy the game!
1. In which episode did Avon say, "I am not expendable,
I'm not stupid, and I'm not going"?
2. Who said, "Move any faster, you'll break into a standstill!"?
3. To what was Cally referring when she said, "She lost,
and we lost. Only the Pyroans won"?
4. To whom did Vila say, "Oh! I thought you were
a lady gunfighter!"?
5. Fill in the missing word: "I have never understood why
it should be necessary to become ________
in order to prove that you care."
6. What was Avon's response, in Sand, to Orac's proclamation
of "I love you!"?
7. Complete the quote: "Of all the things I have
known myself to be, ____________"
8. What was Vila doing in Killer when he said, "Give us
a smile, show us a leg!"?
9. In Children of Auron, who said, "Why do you imagine
I've never gone back? Affection for him?"?
10. To whom did Blake say, "If the ship's blown up, lofty disinterest
won't save you!"?
11. To whom was Blake referring when he said, "How do you demonstrate
the death of a friend to a
man who hasn't got any?"?
12. Who told Avon, "For a clever man you're not very bright.
Deaf, dumb and blind, how're they going to catch us?"?
13. How did Avon respond to, "Deaf, dumb and blind, how're they going
to catch us?"?
14. How did Jenna respond, in Cygnus Alpha, to Avon's comment that
he would have to reprogram Zen?
15. In what episode did Servalan say to Travis, "Oh yes, they'll dig
us out eventually. And then I'll bury you!"?
16. Quote Avon's answer to Travis' line, "I thought you were supposed
to be the one with the brains."
17. In Star One, how did Blake answer Stot's question (about Cally),
"Who is this woman?"?
18. How did Pinder first greet Avon in Orbit?
19. What was the answer to Vila's joke, "Knock knock; Who's there?;
The Invisible Man..."?
20. How did Avon answer Pella's dying words, "That always was the easy
answer for the man, the hommik"?
21. Complete Avon's line, "I think I shall contain my enthusiasm here,
22. At the end of Trial, how did Avon refer to both Zil and by association
23. Give us Blake's response to Avon's taunt in Trial, "One more death
will do it."
24. Quote Carnell's 'parting' lines to Servalan at the end of Weapon.
25. Complete this quote from Power, "I'm the biggest, toughest_____"
26. Complete this space rat line from Stardrive: "Tell you what this
does, gook, it ______."
27. In The Way Back, how did Blake say he felt after going without
food or water for thirty-six hours?
28. To what was Vila referring when he said, "The architectural style
is early maniac!"?
29. Who said, "I haven't told it it's dead, yet"?
30. Complete this exchange from Shadow: Vila: "Also known as the satellite
of sin." Avon: "By whom?"
Vila: "Me!" Avon: _________.
31. Quote Jenna's Shadow line to which Avon replied, "Daintily put."
32. About what did Vila say, "Well, that's a comfort. I should
hate to be eaten by something stupid"?
33. What did Vila say to Arco on first sight of the priestess in Cygnus
34. How did Vila react to Tarrant's statement that a strategic withdrawal
was 'running away, but with dignity'?
35. How did Servalan answer Leitz's question about how many men she'd
killed to hide her identity?
36. What was Avon's comment to Tarrant upon watching Dayna strangle
Klegg in Powerplay?
37. What did Cally say after Bayban told Avon, "Go ahead, you'd be
famous. The man who killed Bayban"?
38. Complete this exchange from Dawn of the Gods: Caliph: "A dwarf?"
Tarrant: "We never think of him as
one." Caliph: "What is the color of his hair?" Tarrant:________.
39. Complete Sula's line about Servalan: "She is, after all,
a _____________.
40. What author were Avon and Tarrant paraphrasing with the line, "Rumours
of my death have been greatly exaggerated"?
41. Complete Servalan's statement to Jarvik: "But first, there
is the question of that degrading and primitive
act to which I was subjected in the control room..."
42. Complete: Vila: "Die? I can't do that!" Avon: "I'm
afraid you can. It's__________.
43. Of whom did Servalan say, "When the Federation finally cleans out
this cesspit, I shall have that vulpine
degenerate eviscerated, with a small and very blunt knife."
44. How did Avon answer Vila's whine that "Sooner or later we're going
to drop into one of these holes in the
ground and never come out!"?
45. Name the episode in which Vila said, "Avon's idea of diplomacy
is like breaking someone's leg, then saying
'lean on me.'"
46. To whom and in what episode did Vila say, "If it'll set your mind
at rest, I never thought you were a woman"?
47. In which episode did Servalan say, "Your survival is becoming more
miraculous by the moment"?
48. Quote Tarrant's response to Servalan's line, "I hate to tell you
this, Tarrant, but you just killed an enemy of mine."
49. In Gold, what was Tarrant talking about when he said, "I'm beginning
to wish I was eating the same food as them."
50. Who said, "You can tell the ladies he's strong enough to work all
day and still have plenty of energy left over
for any little chores you might have for him in the evenings"?
51. Complete Avon's line: "Tarrant, what have you got up there apart
from yourself,_______.
52. Quote Avon's response in Animals to Vila's complaint that having
to clean the ballast tanks wasn't fair.
53. Of whom did Vila say, "If it moves on wheels, they steal it, and
if it doesn't move on wheels, they zap it.
They don't like complications"?
54. What is Avon's final line in the episode Traitor?
55. In Power, what was Avon holding when he told Gunn Sar, "All that
underground heat, light, power, and
you never considered where it came from?"?
56. Having just met Soolin in Rescue, how did Avon answer Tarrant's
query, "What do you think?"
57. Quote Avon's response in Terminal to Blake's "Careful Avon, your
sentiment is showing."
58. What was Deeta's sarcastic response, in the opening of Death-Watch,
to Karla's line, "You're taller than I expected."
59. When Tarrant said, "Cally will never take you aboard," who said,
"She will, Tarrant. She will"?
60. How did Vila rephrase Orac's statement about 'idiosyncratic syntax'
in Ultraworld?
61. Complete: "You claim you can kill me. You'd better
get on with it. Make me die. There's________.
62. What did Avon say about Shrinker's switching sides twice during
the war on Earth?
63. In Children of Auron, to whom did Servalan say, "They were mine.
I felt them die!"?
64. Complete this exchange: Kerril: "When I first came in, how did
you know I was here?" Vila: "I heard you."
Kerril:" No you didn't." Vila: "Psychic." Kerril: "For a thief, ______________.
65. Quote Jarvik's response to Dayna's huff that if he wanted her teleport
bracelet, he would have to take it.
66. In Dawn of the Gods, what was Tarrant's astronomically inaccurate
answer to Groff's question, "You trained
at the FSA??"
67. In Volcano, Orac snapped back at the boarding Federation officer
with this line. Complete it.
"Your use of _____________.
68. What is the only line in BLAKE'S 7 ever 'recapped' (used at the
end of one episode and repeated at the start of another)?
69. Where was this line spoken? "Imagination my only limit!
I'd be dead in a week!"
70. Quote Vila's response to Orac's, "There is no logical reason why
aliens should be hairy."
71. Complete this from The Keeper: Vila: "He smells horrible!" Blake:
"Well so would you,_________.
72. Complete this Gambit line of Avon's, "All right, just once more.
But after this, I warn you, I'm _____________.
73. What is the final line spoken in Voice From the Past?
74. In Countdown, to whom and about what did Avon say, "You don't get
another guess"?
75. Complete this from Hostage: Cally: "This time, he (Avon) feels
responsible.Jenna: "Well why should
Avon feel responsible?" Cally: _________________.
76. Complete Blake's cynical line from Killer: "(Faith), defined as____.
77. In what episode did Vila say, "You mean that's an ocean of spit??"?
78. In Pressure Point, how long ago did Travis say Control had been
79. In Horizon, what was Blake's single-word 'greeting' to Avon upon
being rescued from the mining pits?
80. Complete Carnell's line: "And the other mistake I made was__________________.
81. Complete the following from Shadow: Bek to Vila: "With what you
drank you're lucky to remember who
you are." Avon: _________________________.
82. Name the episode with this exchange: Blake: "No, I don't
think it wants to kill us." Avon:"Well not yet
anyway. It's saving us for something." Vila: "Dinner?"
83. Name the only episode in which the word "beam" for teleportation
was used.
84. To what was Avon referring with the line, "None of us showed conspicuous
intelligence on this occasion"?
85. How did Avon answer Meegat's comment, "Our waiting brought you"?
86. In Breakdown, what did Blake tell Professor Kayn he would do if
Gan's surgery wasn't performed within the
necessary 20 minutes?
87. In which episode are these lines? Vila: "We need a lot of
explosives or a genius to open that." Blake: "Can
you do it?" Vila: "Of course!"
88. Complete: "With all what happening? Blake is sitting up in
a tree, Travis is sitting up in another tree. Unless
they're planning to ___________________________.
89. In what two episodes is this Auron maxim quoted? "He who
trusts can never be betrayed, only mistaken."
90. Complete Vila's line, "There isn't a lock I can't open, if _________________.
91. In what episode does Blake first refer to Avon as his 'friend'?
92. Name the episode in which Vila says to Avon, "Listen, Fingers,
computers are yours, doors are mine!"
93. Complete: Jenna: "Could you kill someone? Face to face, I
mean?" Avon: "I don't know, could you?"
Jenna: "_____________.
94. In Space Fall, Avon says, "Define the problem then," and Blake
replies, _____.
95. Complete: "Easy! Take it easy! I hate personal violence,
especially ___________.
96. Upon teleporting down in Stardrive, how did Dayna respond to Vila's
complaint that he was stuck among the rocks?
97. Complete Servalan's line from Sand: "There's something you should
realize. There are no women _____________.
98. Complete Avon's line from Star One: "Unfriendly. Which is
99. How did Avon answer Jenna's line, "Do you want to tell me why you've
left most of the southern hemisphere
off the search pattern?"?
100. What did Cally ask Vila to bring her from Space City?
Answers to Quotations Section:
1. Horizon.
2. Dayna (to Tarrant in Death-Watch.)
3. The fact that the Pyroans had destroyed their own planet
to keep it from the Federation.
4. To Pella in Power.
5. Irrational. (Avon in Duel.)
6. "Off!!!"
7. ...I never recognized the fool." (Avon in Rumours
of Death.)
8. Tapping on the grasshoppers' habitat/cage.
9. Cally, referring to Avon.
10. To Zen, (in The Web)
11. Travis. (In Duel.)
12. Gan (in Time Squad.)
13. "I'm sure Blake will manage it somehow!"
14. "Still won't make you likable!"
15. Pressure Point.
16. "Brains but no heart. Now talk or scream, Travis, the choice
is yours."
17. "She is my mother!"
18. "I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, ma'am."
19. "Tell him I can't see him." (Ultraworld.)
20. "If you didn't want the answer, you shouldn't have asked the question."
21. ...in the warm." (Project Avalon.)
22. As a "philosophical flea."
23. "Then you'd better be very careful. It would be ironic if
it were yours."
24. "You are undoubtedly the sexiest officer I have ever known. Goodbye,
25. ...meanest son of a Seska on this planet!" (Gunn Sar)
26. ...it goes bang."
27. Hungry and thirsty.
28. The temple on Cygnus Alpha.
29. Coser in Weapon.
30. "It had to be someone of limited imagination."
31. "Enough to fry your eyeballs." (Referring to the heat.)
32. The carnivorous plants on Saurian Major, which Blake said might
have an intelligence rating.
33. "I like God's taste in servants!"
34. "So lay in a course and let's get the dignified hell out of here!"
35. "Twenty-six, so far."
36. "Promising. Quite promising."
37. "I'd quite like to be famous too. How about the woman that
killed Bayban?"
38. "He hasn't got any. A bald dwarf shouldn't be too hard to
39. ...tasteless megalomaniac."
40. Mark Twain/Samuel Clemens. The actual quotation is, "The
reports of my death are greatly
exaggerated." (Cabled to the Associated Press from London, 1897.)
41. ...I should like you to do it again."
42. ...the one talent we all share."
43. Krantor in Gambit.
44. "Sooner or later, everyone does that, Vila."
45. Warlord.
46. Avon in Orbit.
47. Games.
48. "Everyone's entitled to one really bad mistake."
49. The drugged cruiseship passengers in Gold.
50. Benos, the slave auctioneer in Assassin.
51. ...a half-wit and a corpse?"
52. "No. It's pretty foul, by the look of it."
53. The space rats in Stardrive.
54. "I need to kill her myself."
55. An 'ordinary domestic helio-fusion rod.'
56. "I think his taste in wine and women is impeccable." (Rescue)
57. "That's your imagination."
58. "I usually stand in a hole."
59. Moloch.
60. "Idiotic tintax."
61. ...nothing else you can make me do." (Avon in Sarcophagus.)
62. "No one could accuse you of being doctrinaire, could they?"
(Rumours of Death.)
63. Ginka.
64. ...you lie badly!"
65. "There always has to be one."
66. "I'm surprised you've heard of it, if you're from another galaxy."
67. ...the word magic is inappropriate!"
68. Tarrant in both Aftermath and Powerplay: "Summary execution
is the usual punishment for boarding a
Federation ship without authority. What are you doing on my ship?"
69. In the Mellanbys' suboceanic dwelling on the planet Sarran.
70. "There's no logical reason why PEOPLE should be hairy!"
71. ...if you'd been here for as long as he has!"
72. ...walking out, to be sick."
73. "I'm sorry to have to inform you that he is himself, all right."
(spoken by Avon.)
74. Del Grant, about the order of cutting the detonation wires.
75. "There can only be one reason."
76. ...the capacity to believe what you know isn't true?"
77. Trial.
78. 30 years.
79. "Missed." Avon had nearly shot him.
80. ...not getting an advance on my fee." (Weapon)
81. "I would hardly call that lucky."
82. Redemption.
83. Orac. Avon said, "Make sure that one of you stays conscious
long enough to beam us back up again."
84. Getting captured by the Amagons in Bounty.
85. "That seems like a poor reward somehow."
86. "I shall destroy your hands."
87. Project Avalon.
88. ...throw nuts at one another, I don't see much of a fight developing
before it gets light."
89. Mission to Destiny, and Rescue.
90. ... I'm scared enough."
91. The Web. ("There's a friend of mine out there!")
92. Time Squad.
93. ...There's one sure way of finding out."
94. "How to avoid spending the rest of our lives on Cygnus Alpha."
95. ...when I'm the person!"
96. "So am I, Vila. With you!"
97. ...like me. I am unique."
98. ...fortunate really. They'd be difficult to love."
99. "I don't believe that Blake can think and swim at the same time.
It's nothing but ocean down there."
100. "A necklace, Vila. Made from your teeth!"
1. Name Krantor's effeminate assistant in Gambit.
2. Avon called her a "philosophical flea."
3. Who first discovered the hand weapons aboard Liberator?
4. She shared names with Docholli's Gambit alias.
5. He was Zukan's aide in Warlord.
6. Who killed Egrorian in Orbit?
7. Who continually referred to Soolin as 'Pretty One'?
8. What was the Investigator's name in Sand?
9. His best friend was a game-playing computer.
10. She was a slave dealer on Domo.
11. His lady's name was Vena.
12. He was Dayna's tutor.
13. Vila called them 'speed crazy.'
14. On what planet did we find Col. Quute, Leitz and Hunda?
15. She helped Dorian build a tele-ergotron.
16. Who did Dorian overlook when trapping Avon's crew in his
17. In Terminal, who verified that Blake's voice in the message 'might
be genuine'?
18. He was Vandor's champion.
19. He died when his life-support system failed to teleport to Liberator
with him.
20. The Ultras fed and maintained it.
21. He made a 'headlong infantry charge' on an alien invader on Liberator's
flight deck -- against Avon's better judgment.
22. Name the Major in charge of security at Residence One in Rumours
of Death.
23 He was Ginka's rival in Children of Auron.
24. Sherm was his rather dim-witted henchman.
25. Captain Shad appeared in which episode?
26. Who helped Avon and Tarrant collapse the gravitational field so
Liberator could escape from Crandor in
Dawn of the Gods?
27. He was Obsidian's leader.
28. He headed the Federation death squad in Powerplay.
29. Name the leader of the Sarrans in Aftermath.
30. Who killed the first Andromedan in Star One?
31. What was Gola's title in The Keeper?
32. She helped Docholli in Gambit.
33. In what episode did we see Governor Le Grand?
35. Name Blake's cousin in Hostage.
36. Name the chief doctor/administrator in Killer.
37. Trooper Par appeared in which episode?
38. Who first teleported down with Blake to meet Kasabi in Pressure
39. Name Ro's lady love in Horizon.
40. Who invented Imipak?
41. What was Bek's sister's name in Shadow?
42. Name the 'android' race that built Liberator.
43. Who went down to Aristo with Blake at the beginning of Orac?
44. Name the doctor who died in the life capsule after Servalan sabotaged
his ship in Deliverance.
45. He was leader of the Amagon boarding party in Bounty.
46. He was head administrator of XK-72 in Breakdown.
47. According to Blake, she headed the resistance movements on a dozen
48. In Duel, what did Travis tell the mutoid her name had once been?
49. In Mission to Destiny, what name did '54124' translate into?
50. Which two continuing characters were introduced in Seek-Locate-Destroy?
51. Saymon, Geela and Novara were in which episode?
52. Who killed most of the homicidal aliens in Time Squad?
53. He was captain of the London.
54. Name the sadistic first officer of the London.
55. He infiltrated and betrayed Bran Foster's group in The Way Back.
56. Blake first met these two in the holding cell in The Way Back.
57. He objected to taking the London off Cygnus Alpha so quickly after
unloading the prisoners.
58. He died in the London's access crawlway when foam sealant filled
the passage.
59. In what episode did we first learn of Gan's limiter?
60. Who was captured and interrogated by Travis on Centero?
61. Name the captain of the Ortega in Mission to Destiny.
62. She was Giroc's companion in Duel.
63. Name Avalon's faithful assistant in Project Avalon.
64. He operated on Gan in Breakdown.
65. He was President of Lindor.
66. She waited for Deliverance on Cephlon.
67. He designed and programmed Orac.
68. Who was locked in a cell with Avon in Redemption?
69. He was a Terra Nostra boss in Space City.
70. Coser's former-slave companion.
71. Who killed the Kommissar in Horizon?
72. Her daughter's name was Veron.
73. He was tried for the massacre of 1417 unarmed civilians.
74. Avon's 'old friend' on Fosforon.
75. What was Blake's uncle's name in Hostage?
76. He was a mercenary hired to aid the rebellion on Albian.
77. Travis posed as this rebel leader in Voice From the Past.
78. He owned The Big Wheel.
79. He was Gola's brother in The Keeper.
80. Name the disguised alien who mistook Blake for Travis at Star One.
81. Name Dayna's adopted sister.
82. Who killed Klegg's first 2 men in Powerplay?
83. Who teleported to Obsidian with Tarrant at the beginning of Volcano?
84. He was an Auron legend: Cally met him in Dawn of the Gods.
85. He was once Tarrant's commanding officer.
86. She called Vila 'little man.'
87. She headed Auron's bio-replication plant.
88. He was Sula's husband.
89. Vila's pal in Moloch.
90. Who was the new First Champion of Teal at the end of Death-Watch?
91. She commandeered 'a secondhand spacecraft,' and it was 'very unreliable.'
92. Crewmember who died at the beginning of Rescue.
93. Leader of the Hommiks.
94. She 'unveiled' her new identity in Traitor.
95. Inventor of the stardrive.
96. Avon's cellmate on Domo.
97. Servalan's former lover, seen in Sand.
98. She faked an addiction/illness while aboard the Space Princess.
99. She conspired to send Zeeona back to Xenon to be with Tarrant.
100. Federation spy in Blake's Gauda Prime organization.
Answers to Characters Section:
1. Toise.
2. Zil.
3. Avon.
4. Klyn in Blake. (Spelled 'Kline' or 'Klein' in Gambit.)
5. Finn.
6. Pinder.
7. Keiller in Gold.
8. Reeve.
9. Belkov.
10. Onjh Verlis. (Her first name wasn't used in the aired episode.)
11. Muller in Headhunter.
12. Justin, in Animals.
13. The Space Rats in Stardrive.
14. Helotrix. (Traitor.)
15. Pella in Power.
16. Vila.
17. Zen. (Servalan:"What convinced you?" Avon: "When you transmitted
the recording of Blake's voice. Zen did
a print analysis and confirmed that the voice could be genuine. On
the strength of that, I had to follow it up."
18. Vinni.
19. Moloch.
20. The Core. (Ultraworld.)
21. Tarrant in Sarcophagus.
22. Grenlee.
23. Deral.
24. Bayban in City at the Edge of the World.
25. Harvest of Kairos.
26. Groff.
27. Hower. (Volcano.)
28. Section Leader Klegg.
29. Chel.
30. Lurena.
31. Charl.
32. Chenie.
33. Voice From the Past. 34. Name the Federation Major that Blake was
after in Countdown.
34. Provine.
35. Inga.
36. Bellfriar.
37. Trial.
38. Gan.
39. Selma.
40. Coser in Weapon.
41. Hanna.
42. The Altas or The System. (Redemption.)
43. Cally.
44. Maryatt.
45. Tarvin.
46. Farren.
47. Avalon.
48. Kie-eyre.
49. Sara.
50. Servalan and Travis.
51. The Web.
52. Jenna.
53. Leylan.
54. Raiker.
55. Dev Tarrant.
56. Jenna and Vila.
57. Artix.
58. Nova.
59. Time Squad.
60. Cally. (Seek-Locate-Destroy.)
61. Kendall.
62. Sinofar.
63. Chevner.
64. Professor Kayn.
65. Sarkoff in Bounty.
66. Meegat.
67. Ensor.
68. Jenna.
69. Largo.
70. Rashel.
71. Ro, with a poison dart from a blowgun.
72. Kasabi. (Pressure Point.)
73. Travis. (Trial.)
74. Tynus. (Killer.)
75. Ushton.
76. Del Grant.
77. Shivan.
78. Krantor. (Gambit.)
79. Rod.
80. Stot.
81. Lauren. (Aftermath.)
82. Tarrant.
83. Dayna.
84. The Thaarn.
85. Jarvik. (Harvest of Kairos.)
86. Kerril. (City at the Edge of the World.)
87. Clinician Franton. (Children of Auron.)
88. Councillor Chesku. (Rumours of Death.)
89. Doran.
90. Del Tarrant.
91. Servalan. (Terminal.)
92. Cally.
93. Gunn Sar.
94. Sleer/Servalan.
95. Dr. Plaxton.
96. Nebrox.
97. Don Keller.
98. Dayna in Gold.
99. Soolin.
100. Arlen.
Sets, Cast & Crew Etc.
1. Name the well-known SF author who scripted Sarcophagus and
2. What color were the railings on Scorpio's flight deck?
3. How many overhead viewscreens were there on the Scorpio flight
4. What attachments did Orac acquire in the episode Blake that
it had never had before?
5. Which of these was not a B7 scriptwriter? 1) Robert
Holmes 2) Chris Boucher
3) John D.F. Black 4) Trevor Hoyle.
6. Name the actor who played Professor Kayn in Breakdown.
7. Brian Blessed played a high priest (with basketball shoes!)
in what episode?
8. The cast referred to them as 'the hoover controls.'
What were they?
9. In what first season episode did Glynis Barber play a mutoid?
10. Name another episode in which we saw the ship model initially used
for the London in Space Fall and Cygnus Alpha.
11. What did the following people have in common? Vere Lorrimer,
Michael Briant, Mary Ridge, Gerald Blake.
12. Name the series script editor for all four seasons.
13. Who was the producer of seasons 1-3?
14. Who was the producer of season 4?
15. What 3 roles did Jan Chappell play over the course of the series?
16. The voices of Zen, Orac and Slave were all provided by what actor?
17. In what episode did Servalan wear a wide-brimmed white hat?
18. Name the only episode in which Travis wore a hat and cape.
19. How many episodes were in each season of B7?
20. Name the only episode in which there were no guest stars at all.
21. Comedian Roy Kinnear appeared in which episode?
22. John Savident played Egrorian in Orbit. In which other episode
did he appear?
23. What character was played by Robert James in The Way Back and by
Richard Bebb in Voice From the Past?
24. Michael Halsey played a disgruntled patient of Docholli's in the
beginning of Gambit. Who did he play
in The Way Back?
25. In which episode were the characters Kendall, Sonheim, Mandrian
and Grovane?
26. Ronald Lacey, a Nazi spy in Raiders of the Lost Ark, played what
part in B7?
27. Was Allan Prior an actor, producer, director or writer?
28. Who penned more B7 scripts than any other writer?
29. This B7 writer also wrote a best-selling children's book called
Rebecca's World.
30. Who wrote the episode Blake?
31. Who wrote The Way Back?
32. Avon wore a black leather costume with 'horse collar' shoulder
pads in which episode?
33. Ric Young was the only Oriental actor to appear in B7. Who
did he play?
34. Which actor who later became Dr. Who starred in City at the Edge
of the World?
35. Actors Glyn Owen, Leslie Schofield and Norman Tipton appeared in
which episode?
36. What was unusual about the door inside Tynus' Fosforon office in
37. What is the only episode in which we saw the entrance to Liberator's
38. Which of these episodes was not written by Terry Nation?
2)Aftermath 3) Countdown 4) Star One.
39. Which of these was not written by Chris Boucher? 1) Hostage
2) Trial
3) Weapon 4) City at the Edge of the World.
40. We first saw the teleport operate in which episode?
41. What geometrical shape dominated the interiors of the Liberator?
42. A white cat appeared in which episode?
43. What controls on the teleport console became standard for 'beaming'
people up and down after Time Squad?
44. We saw Scorpio's engine room in which episode?
45. What was the only recurring set that featured green plants?
46. How many visible entrances were there to Liberator's flight deck?
47. Horses appeared in which episode?
48. Name two episodes in which we saw a beach.
49. Other than The Way Back, name another episode in which we saw a
50. We saw printed paper currency in only one show. Which one?
51. In which episode did Jenna wear a long black evening gown?
52. Name one of the two episodes in which we saw secondary viewscreens
53. What did Orac call the tube that transferred Blake & Jenna
to Ensor's underground haven in Orac?
54. What's the only episode in which we saw fish?
55. An automobile appeared in which show?
56. Vila and Blake were both shirtless in which episode?
57. What new talents did Dayna display in Sarcophagus?
58. When was Zen's 'analyzer dome' first used?
59. Zen's lethal security device functioned in Space Fall and in which
other show?
60. Lighted smoking material is seen in only one episode. Which?
61. In what three episodes is Anna Grant either mentioned or seen?
62. Who was the only actor to officially appear in all 52 B7 episodes?
63. The very first shot in The Way Back is of what device?
64. What injury befell Avon in both Hostage and Volcano?
65. The Caliph in Dawn of the Gods wielded a cane-like weapon which
he called what?
66. Name 2 episodes in which Orac was damaged.
67. Why did Avon implant a miniature explosive device in Orac?
68. Servalan wore red only once. When was it?
69. What did Avon wear only in Seek-Locate-Destroy and The Web?
70. Scorpio fired its weapons only once. When?
71. Who wrote Horizon, Hostage and Volcano?
72. Who directed the episode Blake?
73. What was physically distinctive about Betafarl's leader and his
74. Deep Roy was a decima, the voice of Moloch, a link, and who
75. We first saw Liberator handguns in Space Fall. When was the final
76. Which of these was not by Robert Holmes? 1) Traitor
2) Warlord 3) Orbit
77. Servalan wore purple in which two shows?
78. Which B7 actor also appeared on stage in a UK production of West
Side Story?
79. Which B7 star appeared in Don't Raise the Bridge, Lower the River
with Jerry Lewis?
80. In which two Dr. Who episodes did Paul Darrow appear?
81. Stephen Greif and Brian Croucher both played gladiators in what
82. Glynis Barber co-starred in what detective/cop series?
83. What B7 actor appeared with Paul Darrow on stage in Don't Start
Without Me?
84. Which B7 actress also had a role in a stage production of Joseph
and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat?
85. Which B7 regular later married a member of his fan club?
86. Sally Knyvette left B7 for what reason?
87. In what SF miniseries had Gareth Thomas previously co-starred?
88. Which B7 actress made a TV commercial for Campari?
89. Which B7 star had bit parts in Maelstrom, Raging Moon and Mister
90. Which B7 actor's credits include Dr. Who & the Sunmakers and
Yes, Minister?
91. Which B7 star made one of his earliest screen appearances in 5
Million Miles to Earth?
92. Jacqueline Pearce originated which line that was eventually added
to the script for Sand?
93. Paul Darrow, Brian Croucher and Gareth Thomas each played roles
in separate episodes of which
UK horror anthology series?
94. Michael Keating and Paul Darrow each toured with separate productions
of what play about an American rock idol?
95. Which B7 star's first regular TV role was as a doctor on a soap
called Emergency Ward 10?
96. Name the play about a boisterous bigamist that sometimes featured
Paul Darrow in the role of a policeman.
97. Which B7 guest star had a bit part in An American Werewolf in London?
98. Actor Scott Fredericks played what role on B7?
99. What kind of weapon is Avon carrying when he and Dayna go out to
inspect Servalan's wrecked ship in Rescue?
100. From whom did Avon obtain the gun with which he ultimately shot
Answers to Sets, Cast & Crew Section:
1. Tanith Lee.
2. Yellow.
3. Two: one fore, one aft. The aft screen was illuminated
only once -- in the end of Stardrive.
4. Seatbelts/holding straps.
5. 3) John D.F. Black.
6. Julian Glover.
7. Cygnus Alpha.
8. The ribbed-tubing piloting controls on Liberator's flight
9. Project Avalon.
10. Horizon, Moloch, Killer.
11. All directed B7 episodes.
12. Chris Boucher.
13. David Maloney.
14. Vere Lorrimer.
15. Cally, Zelda and the alien in Sarcophagus.
16. Peter Tuddenham.
17. Pressure Point.
18. Gambit.
19. 13.
20. Sarcophagus.
21. Gold.
22. Trial, as 'Old Star Killer' Samor.
23. Ven Glynd.
24. Blake's defense lawyer, Tel Varon.
25. Mission to Destiny.
26. Tynus in Killer.
27. Writer.
28. Terry Nation.
29. Terry Nation.
30. Chris Boucher.
31. Terry Nation.
32. Death-Watch
33. Ginka in Children of Auron.
34. Colin Baker.
35. Space Fall, as Leylan, Raiker and Artix.
36. It rotated/swiveled open on a central axis.
37. Powerplay.
38. 4) Star One.
39. 1) Hostage.
40. Cygnus Alpha.
41. Hexagons.
42. Gambit.
43. A row of red and blue 'toggle' switches.
44. Stardrive.
45. Xenon base.
46. Two.
47. Aftermath.
48. Orac, Aftermath.
49. Killer, Powerplay, Orbit. (Also briefly in Shadow [Space City],
City at the Edge of the World, and
Children of Auron.)
50. Gold.
51. Gambit.
52. Orac, Breakdown.
53. The transporter.
54. Orac.
55. Bounty.
56. Horizon.
57. Singing and harp playing.
58. In Time Squad, to determine the alien ship's function as a gene-bank.
59. Dawn of the Gods.
60. Traitor -- the General is smoking a long, thin cigar/cigarette.
61. Countdown, Children of Auron, Rumours of Death.
62. Michael Keating.
63. Surveillance camera.
64. He was shot in the left arm.
65. The 'neuronic whip.'
66. Rescue, Warlord.
67. To prevent its takeover on any further psychic planes.
68. Gambit.
69. A blue parka.
70. At the orbiter in Games.
71. Allan Prior.
72. Mary Ridge.
73. Bright orange hair.
74. The Klute in Gambit.
75. Terminal.
76. 2) Warlord.
77. Aftermath, Powerplay.
78. Steven Pacey.
79. Jacqueline Pearce.
80. Dr. Who and the Silurians and Time Lash.
81. Last Days of Pompeii.
82. Dempsey and Makepeace.
83. Michael Keating.
84. Josette Simon.
85. David Jackson.
86. Lack of her character's development.
87. Star Maidens.
88. Jan Chappell.
89. Paul Darrow.'
90. Michael Keating.
91. Gareth Thomas.
92. "Why Tarrant, I'm just the girl next door."
93. Hammer House of Horror.
94. Are You Lonesome Tonight?
95. Paul Darrow.
96. Run For Your Wife.
97. Geoffrey 'Dorian' Burridge.
98. Carnell in Weapon.
99. A Federation paragun.
100. From the bounty hunters who attacked Vila, Soolin and Dayna in
the shack.
Planets and Aliens
1. Planet where Avon re-encountered Del Grant.
2. Semi-sentient, telepathic cactus.
3. Avon called them 'unfriendly.'
4. Ensor's refuge.
5. Location of Le Grand's planned conference.
6. Rogue race that summoned Cally in The Web.
7. Serkasta was the site of what incident for which Travis was
ultimately court-martialed?
8. Planet ruled by Zukan.
9. Planet where Blake's first rebel group (The Freedom Party)
was formed.
10. Define the term 'blind sun.'
11. Bucol 2 was the site of which episode?
12. Penal planet in Moloch.
13. In Terminal, Avon programmed Zen to take Liberator to Calipheron
in the event of what?
14. The Thaarn's artificial planet/black hole in Dawn of the Gods.
15. Planet in Seek-Locate-Destroy.
16. Where Avon met Meegat.
17. The planet Chenga housed what kind of pseudo-hospital institution?
18. Where The City at the Edge of the World was located.
19. Arco died there.
20. 'Paradise' planet from which Blake diverted Liberator in Voice
From the Past.
21. Other name for 61 Cygni.
22. Diminutive aliens in The Web.
23. What planet was home to Kendall and the crew of the Ortega?
24. Where Servalan 'purchased' Avon in a slave auction.
25. Artificial planet from which Dorian rescued Avon & co.
26. Egrorian's hideaway.
27. It was located in the deserted Eleventh Sector.
28. Blake's last known location after the Intergalactic War.
29. What did Jenna say in Breakdown about the inhabitants of the planet
30. She was the Clonemaster.
31. She was companion to the Keeper of the Power.
32. They captured Vila and Jenna when Avon took Liberator out of orbit
to shoot at Travis.
33. Moloch's home planet.
34. The Hommiks and Seskas fought their war here.
35. Where Hunda and co. fought the Federation.
36. Also known as Homeworld.
37. What Zil called her world.
38. Ro and Selma lived there.
39. Planet on which Servalan claimed to have seen Blake cremated.
40. Why did the creatures on Kairos need the Kairopan?
41. Kaarn became their new home.
42. Life form on Virn.
43. How much did you win if you beat the Klute at speed chess in Freedom
44. He once tried to employ Jenna on Callisto.
45. Servalan said they were what mankind would become.
46. He was a computer's projection of future man.
47. In which episode did we meet planet leaders Boorva, Chalsa and
48. Tribal leader who found Vila on Chenga.
49. Gunn Sar's last opponent, who 'fell off a cliff.'
50. What everyone wanted on Mecron 2.
51. Jenna's last known location after the war.
52. Who was Natratof of Gourimpest?
53. He said the vault contained 'this world and the next.'
54. One of the creatures genetically engineered by Justin.
55. He was Auron's chief flight controller.
56. She led the Seska.
57. Tarrant fell for her in Assassin.
58. The race that inhabited Obsidian.
59. Rakoff preceded Vinni as holder of this title.
60. Originally from Probus 4, he was a menial on Ultraworld.
61. They lived by 'The Rule of Life.'
62. Where Hal Mellanby settled with daughter Dayna.
63. Blake first met Cally here.
64. A sentient rock from the permanent dark side of a planet.
65. Vila's other name for Space City.
66. Name originally applied to the Star One complex.
67. He lost a game of speed chess, and paid the ultimate price.
68. Planet where Tynus was based.
69. They tended the Core.
70. Sarkoff's daughter.
71. Pre-Federation planet group that built Terminal.
72. They were sometimes called 'Modifieds' and 'Vampires.'
73. Slave pits where Servalan once threatened to send Travis.
74. Unit of currrency on Domo.
75. It never rained there -- until Scorpio came..
76. The rogue Auronar used it to trap Liberator.
77. For what was Xaranor known?
78. He came back to life after 700 years, long enough to kill Dr. Wiler
in Killer.
79. Star One's sun was of this type.
80. Former penal colony planet on which Blake's uncle lived.
81. Gan's reputed home planet (though it was never once mentioned in
the series.)
82. Known as the Gold Planet.
83. Why did Blake decide to attack Federation repair and supply base
K-14 after leaving Centero?
84. It was Avon's 'bolt hole.'
85. What was Zeeona's profession?
86. How long did Meegat say she'd been waiting?
87. The primitives of Chenga used this name for Zee and her associates.
88. Whose life did Jenna once save on Zolaf 4?
89. Zondar was once their home planet.
90. Zukan ruled it.
91. She thought Blake had hatched.
92. They lived in the tunnels under Aristo.
93. It was the focus of the alien's power and life force in Sarcophagus,
until Avon destroyed it.
94. It did Cancer's killing for her.
95. What happened to the Andromedan imposters when they were shot?
96. In which episode did Cally say, "I'm not all that alien"?
97. How did Vila respond to Avon's claim that Cally "is more human
than I am"?
98. Bat-like creatures inhabited the forest Blake and Jenna were trapped
in in which episode?
99. Vila discovered what he thought was "a horde of hairy aliens" in
which show?
100. How did the Decimas take revenge on their tormentors at the end
of The Web?
Answers to Planets & Aliens Section:
1. Albian.
2. Moon discs.
3. Andromedans.
4. Aristo.
5. Atlay.
6. The Lost (Outcast from the Auronar.)
7. Massacre of unarmed civilians.
8. Betafarl.
9. Earth.
10. A sun with no planetary system.
11. Animals.
12. Calcos.
13. That he didn't return.
14. Crandor.
15. Centero.
16. Cephlon.
17. An organ bank.
18. Keezarn.
19. Cygnus Alpha.
20. Del 10.
21. The Darkling Zone.
22. Decimas.
23. Destiny.
24. Domo.
25. Terminal.
26. Malodaar.
27. Star One.
28. Epheron.
29. That "they don't like humanoids in general, and in particular homo
30. Fen.
31. Sinofar.
32. The Goths.
33. Sardos.
34. Xenon.
35. Helotrix.
36. Vilaworld.
37. The Host.
38. Horizon.
39. Jevron.
40. To spin their webs.
41. The Auron race.
42. The sand.
43. One million credits.
44. Largo.
45. The links.
46. Moloch.
47. Warlord.
48. Lom.
49. Marquin.
50. Feldon crystals.
51. A cargo carrier en route to Morphaniel.
52. A slave bidder operating through a proxy on Domo.
53. Norl.
54. Og.
55. Patar.
56. Pella.
57. Piri.
58. Pyroans.
59. First Champion of Vandor.
60. Relf.
61. The Clonemasters.
62. Sarran.
63. Saurian Major.
64. Sopron.
65. The Satellite of Sin.
66. Control.
67. Thrills.
68. Fosforon.
69. The Ultra. (Also the menials who labored for them.)
70. Tyce.
71. United Planets.
72. Mutoids.
73. Ursa Prime.
74. Vem.
75. Virn.
76. The Web.
77. Building and manning Federation exploration ships.
78. Wardin.
79. White dwarf.
80. Exbar.
81. Zephron. (A sneaky question, the answer to which may only be found
in the dusty annals of old fanzines,
Marvel Monthlies, episode guides and scripts. But hey, this is TRIVIA!!)
82. Zerok.
83. "One for Cally."
84. XK-72.
85. Biogenetic engineer.
86. All her life.
87. Hi-techs.
88. Tarvin's.
89. The moon discs.
90. Betafarl.
91. Zil.
92. Phibians.
93. Her ring.
94. A mechanical crab.
95. They sizzled, smoked and reverted to gelatinous globs.
96. Voice From the Past.
97. "That's not difficult."
98. Duel.
99. Star One.
100. Punched/trampled them to death.
Computers, Ships & Gadgets
1. What had to be 'put up' before firing Liberator's main weaponry?
2. We first learned Zen's name from whom and in which episode?
3. What 'extension' of Orac did Blake and Cally first encounter
on Aristo?
4. What did the Federation XX Code indicate?
5. The first Wanderer Class Spaceships were said, in Killer,
to have left Earth how long ago?
6. It was a Mark II Wanderer Class planet hopper.
7. By what title did Slave address Avon?
8. How did Slave address everyone but Avon?
9. Avon operated a 'Voray scan' in Liberator's medical unit in
which show?
10. For what did Servalan employ the visual-image structuraliser?
11. Via 'subneutronic overlap shift' processing, what did Zerok do
to gold before transporting it?
12. By what means did Blake and co. first walk aboard Liberator?
13. What name did the Ultra use for their process of removing memories
and storing them in the Core?
14. A TP crystal and an A-line converter figured in which episode?
15. Where was Terminal originally positioned?
16. What metal (or "something very like it") was the basis for Liberator's
17. On what ship was Deeta Tarrant traveling in the opening of Death-Watch?
18. Ensor's revolutionary development that led to a completely new
generation of computers.
19. The weapon Egrorian proposed to trade for Orac.
20. By what name did the System know Liberator?
21. What term indicated that the ship maintained a constant position
over one point on the planet?
22. This 'civilian cruiser' was encountered by Liberator in Bounty.
23. Another term for the stardrive was what?
24. Liberator usually established orbit at 1000 of these.
25. There were three of these assigned to the Galactic Eighth Fleet.
Travis appropriated them.
26. 'Stabilized Atomic Implosion' was the term Orac used. What
did it do?
27. Keiller was its purser.
28. A space rat's favorite type of craft.
29. In which episode did the Federation arm a Solium Radiation Device,
which would kill people but leave
buildings intact?
30. They powered Belkov's Orbiter.
31. Cally said that Orac used special carrier waves passing into what?
32. Who was smugly sure he'd have won the game of Galactic Monopoly
being played at the beginning
of Dawn of the Gods?
33. What kind of circuitry did Avon say he recognized on Ultraworld?
34. It regenerated itself with nuclear plasmic absorption.
35. Vila said it created a mini-black hole, and looked nice -- from
a distance.
36. Passenger liner that collided with a freighter in Star One., killing
all 4000 passengers aboard.
37. This device was the object of contention in Mission to Destiny.
38. Liberator's primary weapons.
39. It planned to link with Orac and rule the galaxy.
40. In which episode was a molecular shift detector set up to attempt
to determine where Blake would
materialize via the teleport?
41. Fitted with cryogenic equipment, it was a part of Scorpio's set,
but was used only once.
42. Flagship of Zukan's 'fleet.'
43. What kind of locks did the cell doors have in Redemption?
44. How did Vila open the the fingerprint lock aboard Belkov's Orbiter?
45. It prevented Gan from killing.
46. How long could Liberator run at maximum speed before its energy
banks would be exhausted?
47. What term did Travis use for the weapon built into his hand?
48. Which 'game' did Tarrant play aboard Belkov's Orbiter?
49. Shrinker threatened to use one of these to torture Avon.
50. Bayban used it to destroy The City at the Edge of the World.
51. These were miniature bombs hidden in the gold shipment in Gold.
52. It was a Wanderer Class 1 ship that 'went missing' 700 years before
Blake encountered it.
53. By what device was innocence or guilt determined in Federation
54. This crystal's destruction left the Ortega flying blind.
55. Who had to clean the Scorpio inertial guidance glycolene ballast
channels in Animals?
56. What did Imipak stand for?
57. Hal Mellanby wore this to restore limited vision.
58. What was initially damaged by Liberator's flight through the red
liquid that prevented Zen's knowing
of the danger in the adhering particles?
59. In Pressure Point, how fast did the High Intensity Radiation Grid
around Control self-repair?
60. Liberator's hull was made of this metal.
61. Liberator went through one of these in order to get Gan to XK-72.
62. In which show did Liberator visit Asteroid PK-118?
63. Orac said that Gambit contained circuits from a PPC class machine.
What did PPC stand for?
64. What did Vila determine the door of Keezarn's vault to actually
65. The shuttle over Malodaar was striving to obtain this.
66. In which episode did we see an Energy Mass Transmuter?
67. He devised the Theory of Parallel Matter and built the Tachyon
68. This device was used to 'torture' Blake and Jenna in Horizon.
69. Vila crowed that 'Avon's gadget works.' What gadget was it?
70. How did Avon finally free Blake from the signal's influence in
Voice From the Past?
71. These weapons were designed by Dorian.
72. Slave formed one of these so that Tarrant and Avon could repair
the Scorpio hull damage in Stardrive.
73. Docholli and Travis met aboard this ship en route to Freedom City.
74. Avon wanted to hide Scorpio behind an asteroid in order to go there.
75. Soolin hid Orac at its own request in which show?
76. Which computers was Avon trying to repair when Gan attacked him
in Breakdown?
77. What was Blake trying to deactivate when a power cable came to
life and attacked him in Redemption?
78. True or False: Belkov's Gambit computer spoke with a masculine
79. Who reprogrammed the Avalon android for Blake?
80. The security robot from Seek-Locate-Destroy was seen again in which
81. What was the primary function of Hower's silver robot in Volcano?
82. True or False: Orac was heard to 'laugh' at the end of City at
the Edge of the World.
83. What did Zen do, as it was 'dying' in Terminal, that it had never
done before?
84. What did Slave do, as it was 'dying' in Blake, that it had never
done before?
85. True or False: ORAC stood for Oral Response Activated Computer.
86. What did Orac do at Helotrix Terminal when assigned the task of
redesigning the ship's boosters?
87. To whom was Vila referring with the line, "I think I've heard enough.
I don't like him!"?
88. What did Avon mean in Volcano when he told Tarrant, "Zen got a
little overenthusiastic"?
89. Who once said to Zen, "I don't want data! I want to know
what's happening!"
90. Why did Orac refuse to correct Liberator's course in the beginning
of Dawn of the Gods?
91. Why did Orac trap Vila and Tarrant on Scorpio's freezing flight
deck in Headhunter?
92. In Space Fall, Avon's 'assignment' was to blind all the scanners
and what else?
93. Tarrant rolled Liberator as an evasive maneuver in which show?
94. In which show did Blake decide to try to ram Travis' pursuit ship?
95 The failure of which system necessitated abandoning Liberator in
96. In Aftermath, what did Avon instruct Orac to do in the life capsule,
just before passing out?
97. How was Vila injured when his life capsule landed on Chenga?
98. How many pursuit ships were in the flotilla approaching Liberator
in Horizon?
99. How many Andromedans did Avon shoot with his Liberator blaster
before reaching Star One's control room?
100. What color is the planet featured beneath the Scorpio flight displays
in the fourth series introduction?
Answers to Computers, Ships & Gadgets Section:
1. The radiation flare shield.
2. From Zen himself, in Cygnus Alpha.
3. A flying remote that fired at them and demanded they disarm
4. That nothing related to the matter was to be recorded.
5. 700 years.
6. Scorpio.
7. Master.
8. Sir or Madame.
9. Breakdown.
10. To convince Avon he had seen Blake on Terminal.
11. Turned it black.
12. Transfer tube.
13. Transference.
14. Killer.
15. In solar orbit near Mars.
16. Aquatar.
17. The Teal Star.
18. The tarriel cell.
19. Tachyon funnel.
20. DSV-2.
21. Stationary orbit, also known as geostationary, fixed, geosynchronous
and synchronous orbit!
22. Star Queen.
23. Photonic drive.
24. Spacials.
25. Star Burst Class Pursuit Ships.
26. Made Orac smaller in Gambit.
27. The Space Princess.
28. Space chopper.
29. Countdown.
30. Feldon crystals.
31. Another dimension.
32. Orac.
33. Germanium.
34. Ultraworld.
35. A nuclear compression charge.
36. The Nova Queen.
37. Neutrotope.
38. Neutron blasters.
39. Muller's android.
40. Seek-Locate-Destroy.
41. The medi-capsule.
42. The Lodestar.
43. Magno locks.
44. With an impression of the fingerprint and dust from Tarrant's boot.
45. The limiter.
46. Two hours.
47. Lazeron destroyer.
48. The launch and flight simulator.
49. Laser probe.
50. Laser cannon.
51. Killers.
52. K-47. (Killer.)
53. The judgment machine.
54. Ison crystal.
55. Vila.
56. Induced Molecular Instability Projector and Key.
57. An image amplifier.
58. The hull sensors.
59. Eight seconds.
60. Herculanium.
61. A gravitational vortex/spiral.
62. Voice From the Past.
63. Pleasure Planet Computer.
64. A force field.
65. Escape velocity (and then orbital velocity.)
66. Moloch.
67. Egrorian.
68. Disorienter.
69. Detector shield.
70. Smashed the signal box.
71. Scorpio handguns, (dubbed 'clip guns' by Tony Attwood.)
72. Blister force wall.
73. The Barlee. (A possible Attwood error: the actors in the episode
appear to be saying 'Barrie.')
74. Altern 5.
75. Headhunter.
76. The auxiliary computers.
77. The auxiliary drives.
78. False.
79. Avon.
80. Project Avalon.
81. It served drinks and 'happy pills.' Also acted as an executioner.
82. True. Though perhaps 'chortle' or 'snort' would be more accurately
83. Said "I."
84. Called Tarrant by name.
85. False. It was never said to stand for anything.
86. Passed the job on to the nearest Federation computer.
87. Orac.
88. It shot down several pursuit ships and weakened the Liberator power
89. Vila. (In Bounty.)
90. It wanted to study the black hole phenomenon.
91. To isolate Muller's android.
92. Open the doors.
93. Harvest of Kairos.
94. Duel.
95. Life support.
96. "Get us down!"
97. His arm was broken.
98. Three.
99. Two, and a third when he arrived there.
100. Red/orange/brown. (How's that for a catch-all answer??)
General Trivialities
1. What drink did Travis order at the bar in Freedom City?
2. Vila was fond of this stimulant-concoction.
3. What did Valeria of Prim use a substitute to do?
4. Who ruled the cult on Cygnus Alpha?
5. What code name did Servalan use when dealing with Cancer?
6. It was formed by the United Planets of Teal and the Vandor Confederacy.
7. Who did Servalan poison with tincture of Pyrellic?
8. They organized crime on a galaxy-wide basis.
9. It's the method of moving objects with the power of the brain.
10. According to Avon, how old was Ensor when he invented the tarriel
11. Bounty hunter killed by Blake on Gauda Prime.
12. Captain Tarrant was initially posted as missing along with a Federation
pursuit ship, which he
subsequently used to do what?
13. Anna Grant was known by what two other names?
14. What Federation law stated that in colonizing planets, each Earth
race must be represented?
15. How much time was permitted between moves in speed chess?
16. What was the gas used to tranquilize the crew of the Ortega?
17. Avon used this alias in Powerplay.
18. What did the Federation President call "the greatest single threat
to the welfare of mankind"?
19. This civilian cartel employed Muller.
20. This pacification drug was widely utilized by Commissioner Sleer.
21. By what other name were psychostrategists known?
22. In what area of Gauda Prime did Scorpio crash?
23. Name two of the three children Blake was accused of molesting.
24. This lethal coolant gas was released by the explosions Zukan set
off on Xenon base.
25. Goth term for marriage.
26. The Ultras wished to see Dayna and Tarrant perform this.
27. What caused the breakup of the Core in Ultraworld?
28. He was 'kidnapped' along with Cally in Volcano.
29. What did the Pyroans conceal inside their volcano as a safeguard
against Federation invasion?
30. In Pressure Point, Blake told Gan the Federation had destroyed
all the churches at what point in time?
31. Monopasium 239 was mined there.
32. How much did Servalan finally bid for Avon in Assassin?
33. What was the only episode in which the mutoids' need for blood
serum was mentioned?
34. Noted cyberneticist killed by his own creation.
35. Who was Alta Morag?
36. Why was the drug called 'shadow?'
37. In Shadow, what enabled Cally to escape her psychological imprisonment
by Orac?
38. How did Avon know there was something suspicious about Blake's
uncle in Hostage?
39. Why was Hal Mellanby a fugitive from Earth?
40. What shape were the knives used by the Mecronians in Games?
41. A stew made of fungus, fed to slaves on Domo.
42. Who was Lurgen?
43. She was the only female scientist assigned to Star One.
44. How many different species did the Ultra claim to have encountered?
45. Blake visited an unusual planet in Trial. What were its oceans
made of?
46. Largo's boss kept this as a pet.
47. What was Docholli's pseudonym in Freedom City?
48. Who killed Section Leader Klegg in Powerplay?
49. What was Kasabi's former association with Servalan?
50. Travis told Servalan this 'new muscle' of hers 'looked like a powder
51. How much of the Federation's fleet was destroyed in the Andromedan
52. This resulted from exposure to Hoffal's radiation.
53. True or False: Avon shot Blake four times.
54. Who sent Servalan a message to warn her that Travis was on Exbar
in Hostage?
55. This was Tarrant's term for a pencil in Dawn of the Gods.
56. What rank had Deral achieved that Ginka resented?
57. Who wrote the classic novel from which the episode Rescue borrowed
58. In which show did Academician Gerren appear?
59. For what purpose were Justin's 'animals' genetically engineered?
60. Who invented Pylene 50?
61. What was the Forbidden Zone in Pressure Point?
62. True or False: Blake once wore a red costume.
63. True or False: Vila's planetside tunic in Seek-Locate-Destroy was
64. True or False: The visa dealer Avon tells Del Grant he had killed
demanded 5 times the original
amount of their agreement.
65. Shadow addicts were also known by this term.
66. What did Dorian first claim his profession to be?
67. How old was Dorian?
68. True or False: Travis' left arm was false.
69. Delta and other 'lower' grades were also designated with this generic
70. Dayna's favorite weapon on Sarran.
71. Vargas called it the curse of Cygnus. What was it?
72. Travis employed their psychopathic services in Hostage.
73. Vila told Pella this was 'a sort of academy.'
74. True or False: the Big Wheel's computer fixed the odds at 5% in
favor of the house.
75. He was confined to a sensory deprivation tank in Moloch.
76. Its astronomical designation is M31 or NGC224. What is it?
77. This was Vila's favorite portion of the female anatomy.
78. The Federation were shown to use modified 'stun' guns in only one
show. Which?
79. True or False: Avon wore a black leather costume in Countdown.
80. Which of the following was not prominent in Sarkoff's museum collection?
1) Guns 2) Clocks
3) Butterflies 4) 78 rpm records.
81. True or False: Avon was knocked unconscious four times in the episode
82. What killed Orac's creator, Ensor?
83. True or False: There were 53 episodes of Blake's 7.
84. In Sand, how did both the Federation and Avon's crew deal with
the problem of systems interference
with their handguns?
85. How many people died on screen in the episode Orac?
86. What is the only episode in which no one is killed?
87. From what classic movie western did Chris Boucher borrow several
paraphrased lines throughout B7?
88. In which episode did Cally shoot down a gunship?
89. Vila shot only one Federation guard over the course of the series.
In which episode?
90. How much money did Avon and Vila win altogether at the Big Wheel
in Gambit?
91. Who first threatened Professor Kayn with a gun in order to coerce
him into operating on Gan?
92. True or False: Children were seen in only one episode of
93. How many on-screen deaths occurred in Sarcophagus?
94. In Sarcophagus, Tarrant was cast as 'The Hero,' Dayna as 'The Singer,'
Vila as 'The Fool,' and Avon as what?
95. Why did Tarrant stop Avon from putting on a spacesuit when Liberator
flew into the black hole in Dawn
of the Gods?
96. What did Zeeona do that exposed her to the lethal virus at the
end of Warlord?
97. On Cygnus Alpha, Gan discovered a corpse and a hand-lettered sign
which read...
98. What item of Jenna's did Gan, Avon and Vila find when they were
searching for her in Deliverance?
99. Jenna got a new necklace, a new gown and the chance to try on a
crown in which show?
100. To whom did Vila say, "Dorian's dead. Two hundred years,
but he made it in the end!"?
Answers to General Trivialities Section:
1. A vetizade.
2. Adrenalin and soma.
3. Bid on slaves in Assassin.
4. Vargas.
5. Utilizer.
6. The Teal-Vandor Convention.
7. Forbus in Traitor.
8. The Terra Nostra.
9. Telekinesis.
10. 18.
11. Tando.
12. Run contraband & engage in mercenary activities.
13. Sula and Bartolomew.
14. The Stock Equalization Act.
15. 5 seconds.
16. Sona vapor.
17. Shevron.
18. Shadow.
19. The Robot Development Cartel.
20. Pylene 50.
21. Puppeteers.
22. Plantation 5.
23. Payter Fen, Renor Leesal, Carl Deca.
24. Paraflame 5.
25. Pair bond.
26. The bonding ceremony.
27. Orac reciting Vila's nonsensical riddles.
28. Orac.
29. A nuclear device.
30. At the beginning of the new calendar.
31. Horizon.
32. 2000 vems.
33. Duel.
34. (Elton) Muller. (The first name is listed only in Attwood's Programme
35. Blake's prosecutor in The Way Back.
36. The moon discs moved out of direct sunlight and stayed in the shadows.
37. The moon discs and their partial telepathy.
38. His limp disappeared.
39. He'd led a revolt there.
40. Triangular.
41. Mangon.
42. A fellow cyber-surgeon whom Docholli spared. Lurgen knew the location
of Star One.
43. Lurena.
44. Millions.
45. Digestive fluid/saliva, or in Vila's less delicate phraseology,
46. A very large spider.
47. Kline. (Or Klein.)
48. Dayna.
49. She was a "senior political officer in Space Command" when Servalan
was a cadet.
50. Jarriere.
51. 80% and over, according to one of the downed troopers.
52. Rapid aging and death.
53. False. Three times.
54. Avon.
55. A graphite writing stick.
56. Captain.
57. Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Gray.
58. Games.
59. To survive high radiation levels.
60. Forbus.
61. The area surrounding Central Control.
62. False. 63. True.
64. False. It was 10 times.
65. Dream heads.
66. Salvage man.
67. At least 200 years.
68. True.
69. Service grades. Also 'labor grades' and 'fourth/fifth grade ignorants.'
70. Bow & arrow.
71. A disease he used to keep prisoners on 'his' planet, taking his
treatment: in reality, it was a mild
poison that cleared itself.
72. Crimos.
73. CF-1, a reformatory/correctional facility.
74. True.
75. Colonel Astrid.
76. The Andromeda Galaxy.
77. Legs.
78. Project Avalon. (Though there are many cases where Federation guns
wound rather than kill.)
79. False.
80. 2) Clocks.
81. False -- it was only three times. He was knocked out just
prior to that episode, however, by Servalan in Terminal...
82. Heart failure when the batteries in his artificial heart expired.
83. False -- there were 52.
84. They used bullets.
85. One -- Ensor.
86. Duel. (Though no-one is provably dead in Seek-Locate-Destroy, either.)
87. The Magnificent 7.
88. Shadow.
89. Games. He knifes one of Vargas' men in Cygnus Alpha, and
also fires his gun at the transport guards
in Harvest of Kairos.
90. Five million credits at roulette, which they double playing speed
chess, for a grand total of ten million.
91. Vila.
92. False -- children were mentioned, but never used in any episodes.
93. One -- the alien.
94. Death.
95. He said the crew should 'all go together.'
96. Took off her glove.
97. 'So Perish Unbelievers.'
98. Her necklace.
99. The Keeper.
100. Pella.