Blake's 7 Poetry  by Anne Stullken


Courageous and determined,
Young, yet all ready quite experienced.
Waves of unending cold wash over you,
As you search for the warmth of open minds.
Finding nothing, only dark silence,
Alone in your solitude, cut off from your people.


Quick and cunning, simple but intense.
Safer to hide behind a mask of fear,
No one wants a coward along.
Hide the pain with a good stiff drink,
No one asks a drunk "What's wrong?"
Guard your true self from the world,
Stay alive and don't ever die.


Silent and caring, imposing yet gentle.
Always in the background, hiding your helplessness.
You were the balance between the cynic and the idealist.
You had the common sense.
You knew how to handle the arguments.
Your death was the beginning of the end.
The start of the fall, into despair . . . and madness.


Cold and distant, cynical and superior.
Afraid to let anyone near.
Never to trust means never to know betrayal.
You never wanted the life of a rebel,
Or the weight of a command.
Only to be left alone.
Free to do as you please.

Death of a Friend

The lesson of the death of a friend?
Well I've seen friends die!
I never expected them to pick you, Jenna.
I thought perhaps Cally, or even Avon,
However I'm glad you are here.
We'll come out of this together, or not at all.
If you were to die, I'd never forgive myself.
The death of a friend?
I've seen friends die!

Reflections of a Prisoner on Gauda Prime

Every night I lie down longing for sleep.
Each night hoping I won't dream.
Nightmare is a better word for it.
I see all their faces coming back
to haunt me.
Gan, gone so long ago I've nearly forgotten
what you look like.
Jenna, disappeared
somewhere.  I hope you are better off than I.
Cally, you died alone and silent.
Your greatest fear come true.
Dayna, sweet Dayna.  You were too young
to die.
Tarrant, I'm almost glad you've gone,
but not like that.
Soolin, you should never have joined us.
You should have left
while you still had a chance.
Avon, what was going through your mind
when you pulled that trigger?  And
Blake, what went wrong?
So, now I, Vila Restal, sit here alone,
begging for peace,
and a release from my nightmares.


Pain and doubt, fear and longing.
So unsure yet so resolute.
Lost memories gone,
A new life now create.
Must fight back,
Regain what has been lost.
For yourself and all.


Young and rash, immature, a child still,
Trained to kill, weapons are your life,
You must begin a new life.
Will these people be friends?
Can you ever love again?
Lost and hurt, still you go on.
The past is over.  Look ahead.

The Game

Black faces White,
Evil confronts Good,
Federation opposes Rebels.

Both sides have pawns,
Manipulate the pieces.
Take your turn,
Make your move.

Only one will win.
One must loose.
All are part of the game,

Of life and death,
Freedom or slavery.


Pain and hatred, obsession and malice.
Revenge is all that you have left.
Revenge on the man who
Took your eye and arm.
Nothing else matters anymore,
Only to have the chance to kill.
Watch him die at your feet.
As you smile.


Jenna and Tarrant,
Experienced smuggler and brash officer
So different in personality,
Yet how alike in passions.
You never met but still there is a kinship.
A shared love of flight and the ship under your control.

Cool and aloof, self-contained and independent.
Your smuggler past has taught you are better off alone,
But living with the rebels has led to friendship.
One with the ship you don't need anyone,
But Blake draws you further in the fight.
In the end you chose to leave,
Can you pay the price, and lose the ship?

Young and rash, brilliant yet stubborn.
Free of the Federation you want to run,
Hating Avon for his power,
This is why you left the Federation.
The ship should be yours by right of salvage,
Pilot and ship have a bond shared by no one.
You want the ship, on your own, alone and free.

The Pain of Love

How can I tell you how I feel?
We had such a short time together
My feelings for you were real.
 I hope that you are safe and well.
I wish I could have come with you,
That was not to be.  Only time will tell.

If I will ever find you again.
I will never leave your side,
Kerril, I'm sorry.


Beautiful as a vision, deadly as a viper.
Cruelty and sexuality are the tools,
you use to rise to the heights.
Nothing and no one stand in your way,
You won't allow it.
Once love was enough, now....
Only power will satisfy your needs.
Ice queen, dragon lady, Madame President


What is Truth?
Is it the 'Truth' of the TV news
Is it the 'Truth' of the politicians
Is it the 'Truth' of those in authority
Or is it the 'Truth' of the dissidents?
Those who speak out against,
War, torture, imprisonment, death?
What is the Truth?

Bran Foster

You hoped, you dreamed.
You lost, you died.
Sabotage and disruption not
Terror and death were your goals.
You saw the masses
But could still see single faces.
You drew dome dwellers and outsiders alike
But in the end it is never enough

The Last Rebel

What began in hope has ended in pain,
What began with the seven has ended with one.
The last rebel stands alone,
Surrounded by the foe.
When it all began, he
Neither wanted a part, nor cared.
The paragon departed,
He was forced to take command.
In the end Avon, the last rebel, stands.

Only Time Heals.....

Only time heals pain
Heart as well as body hurts
Scars remain long after the pain
Scars of the soul, if not seen are felt.

Only time heals grief
Betrayal, a moment, the agony lasts forever
Trust destroyed, easier to withdraw from grief
Trust is not easily regained, sometimes never.

Only time heals fear
Emotions there, below the surface
Must not let them show, not the fear
Must not allow any near, never again.

From Anna's betrayal
To the wall of ice and fire
Blake tried to pull you back
Avon, only time heals the self

Life Sentence

Branded for life, a criminal,
Never evade the label of the court.
Only one way to be free again,
That choice is the absolute finality.
"As long as there is life there's hope"?
Perhaps for the believers, not the living dead.
Branded for life, a rebel

The Price of a Legend

We bought our freedom with rebellion
The  cost was dear, always on the run.
We kept our freedom, but lost ourselves.
Strain and pressure destroyed who we were.
We paid the price and lost our lives.

Avon, Blake, Cally, Dayna, Gan, Jenna,
Soolin, Tarrant, Vila: the names of legend


I am not insane!
They tried to take away my life, my past,
But I remain.
My family, my friends, all gone,
But not forgotten.
I still have my cause, my purpose.
 They have failed -- I have not forgotten.

I am not insane!
With this ship I can strike back,
 Hurt them for what they have done.
 With a crew I will take back,
The lives they have stolen and destroyed.
Some would call me fool,
But with the Liberator as my tool,
I will succeed!

Am I insane?
Every day my goals fall further away,
Victories slip through my grasp.
I can no longer hold the pain at bay.
Death hunts me -- taking my friends.
This last -- my fault, a willing sacrifice,
To my compelling task.

Am I insane?
Confusion and indecision cloud my days.
I must find HIM, must find the way,
To regain what I had at the start.
When this world of terror made some sense.
When I knew my heart.
I want it over -- I want it done.
Am I insane?


Blake said he would be coming back,
At the time I thought it was all a bluff.
No one ever returns from Cygnus Alpha.
Assuming that we arrive at all that is.

When Blake said we were going back,
I almost forgot how dangerous it could be.
Blake said the Federation would be gone for good,
It turned out that it was Gan that we lost.

When Avon said we were going back,
I knew how dangerous it would be
"The Himalayas are quite tall this time of year"
I try to keep my head, and I stay on the ship.

Now I am back on Earth for good.
I will never leave again -- I cannot.
It is funny, now that I am "home"
I wish I was anywhere else but here.

A Fan's Wish to Reach the Stars

As a young child I stared into the night,
Dreaming of the day I would reach afar.
My one true desire -- wanting to take fight.
A pilot's skills, a ticket to the stars.

These hopes, these prayers, only dreams.
Disabilities of the sight keep me
firmly on the ground, alone with my dreams.
Necessity drives to find some other thing to be.

Early dreams set aside, a new hope revived,
Fandom permits a means to reach the heights.
Travel with the characters, a chance provided,
Vicarious in the extreme -- still it fills a need.

Reading stories, writing poetry, immersed in fandom.
Opens up a whole new world -- access to the stars.
Although I cannot leave the Earth in body,
I can leave it in soul through the writing